Trailrun van de Voervallei

Sunday, August 25 2024 – Vossem (Tervuren)

kidsrun – 6km – 12km – 24km – 42km


Practical information :

  • timetable
    • 09u15 : first start kidsrun
    • 10u00 : podium for kidsrun
    • 10u30 : start of 6 – 12 – 24 – 42 km
    • 12u30 : podium for 12 km and 24 km (ladies en gentlemen) PLEASE NOTE : no podium voor 6 km
    • 15u00 : podium for 42 km (ladies en gentlemen)
  • registration, start and finish : Pastorieplein in Vossem
  • dressing rooms and showers available at the start
  • official time registration
  • carpark available at a short distance from start and finish (indicated by arrows)
  • there are signalers at most transitions and intersections (for the 6-12-24km)
  • only the start and finish zone are traffic-free; every participant must adhere to the highway code and pay attention to other road users; our region is known to many cyclists, both gravel and mountain bike.
  • for the trailmarathon participants :
    • from 8.4 km there are no signs and you can only run based on your personal GPS
    • we have tried to cross as few busy lanes as possible; yet there are 2, namely at km 14.8 and km 27.9; At km 27.9 you walk 50 meters on the Nijvelsebaan. SO BE CAREFUL


  • 09.15am : start 100m (entry class and first kindergarten)
  • 09.25am : start 300m (second and third kindergarten)
  • 09.35am : start 600m (first grade of primary school)
  • 09.45am : start 900m (second grade of primary school))

participation cost for children is 2€ and needs to be paid on site

Please be present 15 minutes in advance of the intended run to guarantee a smooth organisation and avoid disappointmetns.

Trailrun van de Voervallei : start at 10.30am

start to trailminimaxitrailmarathon XXL
# km6 km (6.09 km)12 km (12.90km)24km (24.56km) km42 km
supplyon arrival6.2km – arrival6.2km – 14.8km – arrival6.2km – 20km – 33km – arrival
track course1.7 km2.4 km5.4 km8.5km
trail course4.25 km10.5 km19.16 km33.6km
pre-registration (until 19/8)6€10€15€25€
registration (25/8)10€15€20€PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY
course6 km12 km24 km42 km
course trackfollow the red arrowsfollow the white arrowsfollow the yellow arrowsfirst follow the yellow arrows until split at 8.4km; after that, run only on GPX

SO on August 25, everybody is welcome in Vossem. Pick one of the following distances 6km – 12km – 24km – 42km. Enjoy the forests, fields, hollow roads and single tracks in and around Vossem, Huldenberg, Neerijse and Bertem.

During and after the run, the village square of Vossem is buzzing with all kinds of activities, including shows, a flea market, a fair, food and drink stands, Plattoo Cup, Vlaanderen zingt…


Last year, thanks to your run, we were able to donate 1.000€ to the local organisation Dimbalma for Gambia. This money was used to install street lanterns on solar energy for the village of Sami Karantaba (Gambia). Below you can find some pictures of the hand-over of the cheque of 1.000€ to the responsibles of Dimbalma.

Also this year we donate our profit to Dimbalma for Gambia for one of their projects.

This organization is not ready for its test run and has already financially supported several projects, including the installation of LED lighting in 2 other villages in the area.

Here you can find more information on Dimbalma for Gambia

an organisation of Gladiator Events

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